
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 19:09:03
中西文化有所不同:中国人信奉儒教, 讲顺从孝顺。而西方人就有所不同了!他们讲民族自由.个人权力。


中西方文化在请客吃饭方面的差异 ,如:中餐通常先上菜,后上汤,西餐相反;中餐主人一般多次向客人敬酒、敬莱,而西餐主人通常只敬一次;西餐主人通常不会坚持要客人非吃非喝不可,而是希望客人自己动手(Help yourself),不要拘谨,想吃什么就吃什么。

China and the West culture differs from:The Chinese believes in Confucianism, says obeys filial. But the westerner differed from!They speak the nationality to be free.Individual authority.

The Chinese people and the foreigner eat meal the custom also to differ from: The Chinese gathers round a big table frequently, eats together a T.V. dinner, although lively, but little not health. Westerner eat own, this is the buffet, both health and convenient; The West educates also entirely different, the Chinese educates the student, mostly is one kind of seal education, must observe the school regulation, the West educates is completely one kind of development free thought space, they are study in playing, pondered in the study.

The Western culture is treating eats meal the aspect difference, for example: The Chinese meal usually first serves food, the latter on soup, the western-style food is opposite; The Chinese meal master many times proposes a toast generally to t